Jumat, 24 September 2010

our videos

open it and you'll be soo surprised! hahaha


jum'at, hari autis kita tiap saman, hbs saman, yaah gitulah (y)
well, that's a video of 3 autism children who wants to show their hobbies
watch and enjoy that videos ;)

Selasa, 21 September 2010

Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One

If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one, then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine, then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine, would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you, then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you, then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me, then why does this distance name my life?
If you're not for me, then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray that you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss your body and soul so strong
That it takes my breath away
And I breath you into my heart
And I pray for the strength to stand today

'Cause I love you whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
And though my heart is by your side

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

Minggu, 19 September 2010

3 months

Today is 19th sept. Happy 3 months vampire (?)
Just gonna say it this night. Too tired to explain anything.
Good night mr.d

Jumat, 17 September 2010

a freak vampire hahah

Ihh dean, nyuruh nelpon jam 9 tapi sampe jam 10 di tlpn 4 kali gak ada diangkat juga --'
Malas nelpon lagi ahh
Tapi penasaran sama indah itu grr -.-
A little bit jealous I think hahaha

Pake sok bodoh deh nulis di twitter gini hahaha 'Masa tulisanya "vampire comeback" brarti dia ingin balik dng vampire. Ih serem'

Thanks a lot for read my blog, well it make me so shy but actually you knew what I'm feeling, agak lega dikit sih hahah

3 days to 19th sept :*

Kamis, 16 September 2010

tell me

Dear lovely vampire,
Tau gak? Aku itu mau jawab IYA
Tapi kok kayanya kamu gak ada usaha yaa
Harusnya kan kamu yg usaha buat jelasin gitu ke aku, bukan aku yg usaha nyari tau gini -.-

Daritadi juga nyuruh nelpon jam segini aja giliran ditelpon gak ada diangkat, kok kamu enak bgt yaa diem gitu aja?
Aku mau nahh sekali2 digituin jg, bukan aku yg nyariin kamu tapi kamu yg nyariin aku hwhw -,-
Mau sekali2 diperhatiin gitu hahah --'

Aku serius bakal jwb itu, tapi klo kamu udah jelasin, semuanya, selengkap-lengkapnya gak pake bohong!!
Tell me about her boy ~

a freak vampire hahah

Ihh dean, nyuruh nelpon jam 9 tapi sampe jam 10 di tlpn 4 kali gak ada diangkat juga --'
Malas nelpon lagi ahh
Tapi penasaran sama indah itu grr -.-
A little bit jealous I think hahaha

Pake sok bodoh deh nulis di twitter gini hahaha 'Masa tulisanya "vampire comeback" brarti dia ingin balik dng vampire. Ih serem'

Thanks a lot for read my blog, well it make me so shy but actually you knew what I'm feeling, agak lega dikit sih hahah

3 days to 19th sept :*

Rabu, 15 September 2010

dean come back please (?)

haa klo siang aku bisa sok kuat, aku bisa bilang 'dulu sebelum pacaran juga aku gak pernah tau apa2 tentang dia gpp, berarti sekarang juga harus gitu'
tapi klo udah buka fb/twitter/myspace/sms2nya dari jaman pdkt dulu haaa aku gak kuat
aku mau dia balik lagi, aku masih sayang -.-
terlalu frontal ya? biarin aja ahh smoga dia gak baca ini --'

kamu terlalu baik sampe bisa bikin aku yakin banget sama janjimu itu. kamu seakan2 gak ragu waktu ngucapin janji itu, seakan2 bener gak akan ngingkarin, tapi knp skrg gini?!

vampire please come baaaaaack! -,-

Selasa, 14 September 2010

our relationship

Well aku sama sekali gak pernah mikir bisa putus caranya gini, hbs selama ini kayanya kita gak pernah ada kelahi -.-

5 more days to 19th sept
Actually, we'll 3 months but you break it

I wanna ask you to stay here and don't ever leave me! -_____-
That's your promises. Gak akan mutusin, gak akan nyakitin haaaaa -.-

'Aku gak ada niat mutusin kamu' hmm yeah tapi mau gak mau kamu harus mutusin, emang apa masalahnya sih? Tell me please

dean irreplaceable

Hey, my lovely vampire
Aku gak tau kmu masih bakal buka blog ku apa gak, tpi aku berharap gak, krna aku gak pernah mau kamu baca ini, aku cuma mau nulis apa yg ku rasain.

Well, aku masih gak percaya sampe skrg klo kamu ngomong itu. Yg bikin aku tahan walaupun gak ada ketemu sama smsan sama kmu brp lama pun gara2 kamu pernah janji itu. Too much I believe it. Aku terlalu percaya kamu bakal nepatin janjimu.

Nothing forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is between hello and goodbye.

Waktu kamu gak pernah sms lagi klo gak di sms duluan, aku udh ngerasa kamu berubah, tpi aku cuma ngira kamu lagi asik sama game. Bbrp hari sblm kamu mutusin jg aku udh mikir, aku harus siap klo suatu saat kamu pergi dan ngingkarin janjimu itu. Tapi kenyataannya aku gak siap, yg ku bayangin gak bakal secepat ini.

Suck. Too much I love you cause your promises make me believe that you'll never leave me, and everything's gonna be okay -_-

I love you forever (?)
Aku berjanji tidak akan menyakiti hatimu (?)
Aku gak akan mutusin kamu kok, soalnya aku masih ada janji (?)

Aaaaaa that's just a nightmare! Not true! He's still mine! Hh forget it

There's something wrong. You didn't tell me something.

Aku gak ada niat mutusin (klo gitu ngpn blg putus -__-)
Alasan kamu mutusin aku yg sbnrnya gak kamu kasih tau, kamu blg rahasia, emang apaan? Harus ya endingnya gini?
I wanna ask you to stay but you won't do that

Senin, 13 September 2010

suck 13

well, it's really a bad day.

aku seneng akhirnya kamu sms tadi, tapi langsung nyesek waktu tau balasan mu kaya gitu.
nahan nangis sebisa ku daripada malu depan umum.

rahasia apa yg gak kamu ksh tau itu?
klo itu alasannya kenapa gak kamu kasih tau?

still can't believe that we're over.
hope this is just a nightmare and everything will be fine when i'm wake up
but it's real, it's a fact!

do you know how much i love you?
do you know how much i believe your promises to me?
and you break it!
do you know how it hurts?

too much i love you. too much i believe your promises to me till i can hurt like this.

can i ask you to stay and don't ever leave me?
of course not!
you were say that "we're over"

dean, hhhh ini ya knp kamu menghindar kmrn2nya?
you're irreplaceable, even you're not mine anymore

hh i really miss you

hei dean, what happen with you?
hp mu jaraaang banget aktif
aku ada salah apa ya sampe kamu gak angkat telpon sama gak balas sms?
is there something wrong?
tell me please
hh i really miss you. miss the old you