Senin, 28 Februari 2011

things are special today

waaa alhamdulillah lolos astraaa hahah.
for more information: astramatika XVIII

...and happy birthday for our Third Fraternity, from us to us!

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

how to make a chocolate cookies

- 500 g corn flakes
- 500 g coklat batang
- kacang mede (haluskan)
- trimit

how to make:
- lelehkan coklat terlebih dahulu
- setelah coklat leleh, campurkan


well, i'm in semarang now dengan mata yang hampir sembuh! alhamdulillah ☺
gak bisa ikut malam renungan TF ntar malam (-_-)
i'm here for test SMA Nasima, cadangan, semoga keterima hahah.

and that's Nasima, sekolah islam yang gak jauh dari rumah makanya dijadiin cadangan klo gak lolos di SMAN 3 smrg ntar whwhwh.
that's all for today, biar matanya sembuh total dulu baru mau isi banyak2 lagi~

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

tryin to show my best

i'm done with pasiad!!
hasilnya pasrah aja lah, orang asal-asalan jawabnya pake ulang tahun segala --"
buat yang merasa dicurangi, maaf kemarin kita gak matiin hp tapi kita juga masih sadar diri kok, kita gak ada make kalkulatornya. apa juga yang mau dihitung pake kalkulator? angkanya pasti eror deh ntar jadinya whwh. iya tapi kita emang salah, maaaf banget~

dan sekarang, saya mencoba menyelesaikan pidato yang kurang setengah halaman lagi tapi udah gak ada inspirasi...
dan mencoba menghafal doa qunut, iyaa selasa ujian praktek agama -_-

just a few days to UAS and UN. i must show my best to make my parents proud of me~

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

specials things tomorrow

i wrote this post dengan mata saya yang bengkak ketularan dean -__-

well, there are 3 specials things of tomorrow, 19th feb 2011:
1. it's about my vampire~
2. cindy's birthday :***
3. PASIAD (tdk ada ekspresi yg tepat)
just wish my luck with my pasiad tomorrow :)))

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

women = problems

9 deadly words used by women

this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up

-Five Minutes
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house

This is the calm before the storm. this means something, and you should be on your toes. arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine

i swear..

as long as there’s something to see
i’ll see it with you
as long as the days can seem
we’ll find something to do
and if ever your love should leave
just swear you’ll follow through
and i swear i’ll always follow you

still about tf's 2nd birthday

well, these are some photos in tf's party....

it's me with Rindi ( lesbian tercinta) ;p

it's cana, dinda, me, and tantan.. we're a friendHUMAN, not a friendSHIP -_-

(from left) me, tantan, tika, tisa, aridha, melia, cana, ajeng. we were waitin for tf's birthday party :)

and this, there are ajeng, tisa, arif, tika, cana, and me (i'm like a monster who wants to eat a human -_- )

P.S. I'm not a real lesbian, cuma buat have fun ajaa ;)

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

TF's party

mm last night was amazing, thanks a lot for TF :* especially for dean hahaha.
maaf taaaannn aku ninggalin kamu -_- that was the last TF's party waaaa.

"from us to us"

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

from us to us

tonight!!! pesta ulang tahun ke-2 TF!!
mm, tonight, we're gonna have a big party!! Third Fraternity's birthday party in mesra. it'll the last TF's party -_- ulang tahunnya masih tanggal 28, hari ini cuma ngerayain aja takutnya ntar udah sibuk ujian praktek. semoga semua bisa datang, sampe yang udah pindah juga whwh. hope that we will always be a friend..... :)

"from us to us"

it's about math

here I am, smiling with 9 of my friends. alhamdulillah lolos pasiad ke babak final tapi belum nasional. be patient dean, maaf yaaa, kayanya aku sama cia banyak nanya kamu tapi malah kamu yang gak lolos ;) semua orang sukes juga pasti pernah gagal. just wish me luck on 19th feb...

tanggal 12, penyisihan astramatika. aaa wish me luck again. tahun lalu bisa sampe final, kalahnya juga 10 poin. tahun ini harus bisa lebihhhhhh _-_ wkwk lumayan buat masuk sma ntar.