Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Bali and Braided hair

Those photos were taken in Tanah Lot, Bali at 2005
Karena udah gak ada soft filenya jadi tadi aku harus scan foto-fotonya dulu :3

Waktu itu, aku masih tinggal di Surabaya jadi kita pergi ke Bali dengan mengendarai mobil, kira-kira perlu waktu 10 jam buat sampai di Bali.

Obyek wisata tanah lot terletak di Desa Beraban Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Tabanan, sekitar 13 km barat Tabanan. Candi pantai Tanah Lot Pura mungkin adalah tempat yang paling terkenal dan paling banyak difoto di Bali. Pura Tanah Lot merupakan salah satu kuil Hindu yang paling suci di negeri ini.

tanah lot!
Menurut legenda, pura ini dibangun oleh seorang brahmana yang mengembara dari Jawa. Ia adalah Danghyang Nirartha yang berhasil menguatkan kepercayaan penduduk Bali akan ajaran Hindu dan membangun Sad Kahyangan tersebut pada abad ke-16. Pada saat itu penguasa Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, iri terhadap beliau karena para pengikutnya mulai meninggalkannya dan mengikuti Danghyang Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben menyuruh Danghyang Nirartha untuk meninggalkan Tanah Lot. Ia menyanggupi dan sebelum meninggalkan Tanah Lot beliau dengan kekuatannya memindahkan Bongkahan Batu ke tengah pantai (bukan ke tengah laut) dan membangun pura disana. Ia juga mengubah selendangnya menjadi ular penjaga pura. Ular ini masih ada sampai sekarang dan secara ilmiah ular ini termasuk jenis ular laut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berekor pipih seperti ikan, warna hitam berbelang kuning dan mempunyai racun 3 kali lebih kuat dari ular cobra. Akhir dari legenda menyebutkan bahwa Bendesa Beraben 'akhirnya' menjadi pengikut Danghyang Nirartha.

po-po-po-poker faaaaace
Candi Tanah Lot berada di atas di batu beberapa meter dari tanah, dan ketika air pasang dalam, ia menjadi pulau sendiri, dengan langkah-langkah yang terlihat seperti mereka menghilang jauh ke laut. Tetapi ketika pasang surut, pengunjung dapat berjalan di dasar laut ke dasar candi (tetapi tidak di dalam - candi hanya terbuka untuk berlatih Hindu Bali). Di dasar Tanah Lot, pengunjung bisa memasuki gua kecil dengan mata air suci dan menerima berkat akan tradisional yang baik, dilakukan dengan memercikkan air dan oleskan beras ke dahi.

he told us something..

katanya kalau punya keinginan terus airnya itu diusapin ke wajah nanti bisa terkabul (:

much ❤,

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

People said..

"Jangan pernah remehkan kemampuan seseorang karena sesungguhnya Tuhan pun tidak pernah! - 2, Donny Dhirgantoro

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

I found Gondola in Macao

The Venetian in macau is a hotel and casino resort owned by Las Vegas Sand corporation. The 10,500,000-square-foot (980,000 m2) Venetian Macao is modeled on its sister casino resort – The Venetian in Las Vegas – and is the largest single structure hotel building in Asia, The sixth-largest building in the world by area and the largest casino in the world.

west lobby
The main hotel tower was finished in July 2007 and the resort officially opened on 28 August 2007. The resort has 3000 suites, 1,200,000 sq ft (110,000 m2) of convention space, 1,600,000 sq ft (150,000 m2) of retail, 550,000 square feet (51,000 m2) of casino space – with 3400 slot machines and 800 gambling tables and a 15,000 seat arena for entertainment/sports events.

the room
In 3rd floor, they have a room whose its decoration is like in the outside. yeah, this is indoor but they decorated the ceiling with the view of afternoon sky, so it really looks like we're in the outside. In this floor, you can find many of restaurants, much of branded stores if you're really addicted with shopping, and the most important is GONDOLA!
Gondola is a traditional boat from venice. Because the name of this place is 'The Venetian', that's why they have gondola. You can ride the gondola in this floor or outside of this building. In this floor, gondola wandering around 3rd floor but if in the outside the gondola wandering around the building! feels llike in the venice, huh? :9

In 5th floor, you can find all of the games that you want! This floor is especially for children and people who love to play games!

Oh anyway, have you ever seen the korean drama 'Boys before flowers?', they have some scenes which is taken in here!

If you have a plan to go to macao, try to visit this place. This is just sooo awesome! and just fyi, i stayed at this hotel for one night! :p

3rd floor



breakfast at the restaurant

the bus of 'the venetian'

tickets for the gondola ride experience
little kiss,

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

What is Bear for Korean people?

I have been in South Korea last year. So many places that i've visited, including 'Teddy Bear Farm'  which is located in Mount Seorak National Park.

I had a local guide, her name is Jessy. She told me that long long time ago, korean people believed that we (human) were a bear. We used to be bear and then become human. Darwin said that we were monkey but they said that we were bear.

That's why people there are sooo respect with bear. This museum is not the only one museum that served us with much teddy bear doll. They have many teddy bear museum,they also have teddy bear museum too in N Seoul Tower.
the marriage
teddy bear's history

It displays assorted teddy bears and some even dressed in traditional costume. I was pretty impressed! Despite that, there are assorted teddy bears are for sale. I bought one!hihihi

they're using a traditional clothes!
hell-0 comandan bear
mom after bought a teddy bear doll
I taught her how to read :3

Peace out,

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Three sisters, Blue Mountains, Australia

The Three Sisters

The Three Sisters is the Blue Mountains’ most spectacular landmark. Located at Echo Point Katoomba, around 2.5 kilometres from the Great Western Highway, this iconic visitor attraction is experienced by millions of people each year. 
The Three Sisters is essentially an unusual rock formation representing three sisters who according to Aboriginal legend were turned to stone.
The character of the Three Sisters changes throughout the day and throughout the seasons as the sunlight brings out the magnificent colours.  The Three Sisters is also floodlit until around 11pm each evening looking simply spectacular set against the black background of the night sky.
Each of the Three Sisters stand at 922, 918 & 906 metres tall, respectively.
That's over 3000 feet above sea level!
me and mom at three sisters rock

The Legend
The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe.
These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe, yet tribal law forbade them to marry.
The brothers were not happy to accept this law and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.
As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger, a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself to turn the three sisters into stone to protect them from any harm. While he had intended to reverse the spell when the battle was over, the witchdoctor himself was killed. As only he could reverse the spell to return the ladies to their former beauty, the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation as a reminder of this battle for generations to come
For other stories : Three Sisters

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

a real blogger

Punya blog itu susah-susah-gampang.
Semua orang di bumi ini pasti bisa kalau hanya diperintah untuk 'membuat blog'. Kita hanya perlu mengisi identitas, mematuhi syarat yang ada, memikirkan sebuah nama unik untuk link blog kita dan taraaaa....selesai! Bahkan terkadang kita bisa meminta tolong pada teman kita yang canggih di bidang tekhnologi untuk membantu kita membuatkan blog.
Trus susahnya punya blog apa?
Susahnya adalah kesetiaan kita untuk mengisi blog kita ini paling tidak seminggu sekali, atau mungkin rutin sebulan dua kali. Sebaris atau dua baris kalimat pun tak masalah, hanya agar kita tidak melupakannya.
Terkadang kita akan melupakannya jika kita sedang dipenuhi banyak tugas yang deadlinenya gila-gilaan dan membukanya kembali ketika kita sudah selesai dengan semua tugas-tugas itu.
and that's what i did.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

you cand find your home in anywhere

Terkadang kita nemuin tempat yang serasa rumah itu bukan di rumah kita sendiri. Kita bisa nemuin itu dimana aja, dimana kita merasa nyaman, dimana kita serasa ingin tinggal di tempat untuk lebih lama lagi.
Tempat nyaman itu bisa yang dekat ataupun jauh. Bisa yang berisi semua kemewahan atau terkadang kesederhanaanlah yang membuat kita merasa nyaman. Membuat kita menyadari seberapa egoisnya kita selama ini. 
This is the new experience that i've got. Merasa nyaman dengan sebuah kesederhanaan, walaupun gak bisa munafik ketika balik ke rumah, hasrat untuk shopping itu seketika muncul lagi haha.

Sekitar awal Februari kemarin sekolahku punya program "Live in", program ini sih kegiatannya sama kaya yang di tv itu loh,"Jika Aku Menjadi". Ya, kita harus merasakan tinggal di sebuah desa selama 4 hari 3 malam. Kita tinggal dengan orang tua asuh kita di sana (satu keluarga memperoleh 2 anak). Kita ikut mengerjakan pekerjaan mereka. Jadi petani ya kita ikut bertani, jadi penjual makanan ya kita ikut bikin makanan, bahkan kalau pencari ular aja kita juga ikut mencari ular.hiiii

Awal yang aku pikirin ketika masih di rumah, gimana ya kamar mandinya nanti?